Our decade-long support for the Fair Development Fund reflects our commitment to the suppliers and workers within our global supply chain.
We’re proud to say that Sainsbury’s sell more Fairtrade products than any other retailer in the world. During 2015/2016, our Fairtrade sales reached more than £280 million.
Winning combination
The achievements of our Fair Development Fund are another great source of pride.
The fund is a unique partnership between Comic Relief and Sainsbury’s, which we set up in 2007. It combines Comic Relief’s expertise in awarding grants, with our 145 years of experience and knowledge in farming and food to help producers in developing countries thrive.
Here are just some of the projects the partnership is helping:
Madagascan cashew farmers
The fund has committed £200,000 to help more than 500 cashew nut farmers and 50 people working in the processing factory in Madagascar – one of the poorest countries in the world.
By setting up training centres and plant nurseries, farmers are being supported to learn about good agricultural practices and to access better quality trees, so they can sell their crops to Sainsbury's. By enabling the nut processing to take place in the country, more skilled jobs are being created where they are really needed.
A local organisation, the Centre Technique Horticole de Tamatave (the Tamatave Horticultural Technical Centre) has been supporting farmers with agricultural training and ensuring the running of the plant nurseries. CTHT have developed a guide of good agricultural practices and disseminated it among farmers, with independent assessors having seen the implementation of the recommendations of the guide in the fields. This is all happening alongside support for developing farmer organisations.
Tanzanian tea farmers
The fund has also allocated £250,000 to a project in Tanzania involving 11,000 small scale tea farmers. The project has kicked off by rehabilitating a growing area and training the farmers on good agricultural and environmental practices.
"The fund really helps businesses to thrive and grow."
Judith Batchelar
Director of Sainsbury's Brand