We're making it easier for our customers to understand more about the food they're eating. Clear labelling helps our customers compare products and make more informed choices.
Many people are confused about what the nutrition information on food labels means.
We want to clear up the confusion and empower our customers to make informed decisions about having a balanced diet.
Here's what you need to know about each element of the nutritional information.

How many calories should you be consuming?
It's estimated that on average people in the UK consume 200 extra calories a day (the equivalent of a plain digestive biscuit and packet of crisps). This could lead to a 1.5 stone weight gain in year!
Here's a guide:
Average woman: 2,000 calories per day
Average man: 2,500
Children: <2,000 depending on age
Healthier snacks
With a third of children leaving primary school overweight or obese, we're reformulating our products and helping parents to choose healthier snacks of no more than 100 calories - and to limit them to two a day.
See more snack ideas for 100 calories or less.