Healthy and Sustainable Diets Case studies

We’ve been running food environment trials since 2017, to test and independently evaluate the real-world impacts of health interventions on customer purchasing behaviours. These trials span a wide variety of initiatives including incentivisation, ranging, placement & sign-posting, to help build the evidence of what works to best transition customers’ baskets closer to the UK’s Eatwell Guide. In this British Nutrition Foundation blog, we showcased our ‘test and learn’ initiatives to show what works and what we have learnt from running these retail food environments. 

Our work has found that incentivisation and reward tactics drive the most meaningful changes. This matches the evidence too, showing that trials that offer some form of incentive, and interventions that pull on multiple different behavioural change levers, deliver the biggest impact. Taking our learnings, we have continued further trials to gather more research on what is most impactful in driving meaningful changes.