Good food for all of us
“Sainsbury’s makes eating well affordable, easy and tasty. We want to provide good food for all customers, ensuring everyone has access to nutritious, homecooked and sustainable food.”
Our progress so far

We track the proportion of sales which are Healthy and Better For You and progress towards the UK government’s recommended diet by measuring total basket shifts relative to the Eatwell Guide.

The food choices we make has a significant impact on our health and the health of our planet. Current practices have led to food production being the single largest source of environmental change1,2. Many of the risks we are seeing from global warming to loss of biodiversity, pollution of waterways, deforestation and land degradation are associated with the unsustainable production of food. We also need to produce food 56% more food by 2050 to feed an estimated population of nearly 10 billion people3, we can’t carry on the way things are.
We are serious about our responsibility to help our customers eat healthily. For us, this means helping more customers achieve a plant-rich diet that is in line with the government’s Eatwell Guide.

Combine this with government statistics that show 2 in 3 UK adults are overweight or obese there is an opportunity to make a significant impact by changing our diets. 1 in 5 of our customers* on average consider health factors (e.g. sugar/salt/fat/calorie content) when purchasing groceries, and 62% of our customers said they would like their diets to be sustainable4. However, we are all on a journey and we know it can be confusing to know what is both a healthy and sustainable choice, so we really do need to work together to help one another eat that little bit better every day.
We want our customers to feel in control of both their health and also their impact on the planet, through small steps towards a significant change in eating behaviours, without compromising on taste or enjoyability. We want to help and encourage customers to make food choices that are both better for them, and better for the planet.
That’s why our North Star goal is to support more of our customers to eat in line with the Eatwell Guide by 2030.
Source: The Eatwell Guide - GOV.UK
The Eatwell Guide is the UK Government’s dietary recommendations. It is made up of the five key food groups and the proportions the diet should be made up of these foods to meet nutritional recommendations and applies to most people from the ages of 2 years upwards.