Collaboration for change
The scale of the deforestation challenge is huge, and systemic change will not happen if we act alone. Collaboration is therefore key to eliminating deforestation and land conversion globally. Signing up to the WWF Retailers' Commitment for Nature supports alignment in the UK retail sector on tackling the key environmental challenges that face us.
We have also engaged with partners to drive positive change in supply chains on deforestation and land conversion through multi-stakeholder initiatives.
Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition
We’re members of the CGF Forest Positive Coalition of Action, made up of 18 member companies committed to moving efficiently and quickly toward a forest-positive future. With a collective market value of USD 1.8 trillion (GBP 1.3 trillion), these member companies are in a leading position to leverage collective action and accelerate systemic efforts to remove deforestation, forest degradation and conversion from key commodity supply chains.
In 2021, the focus for the Coalition was on developing and publishing the individual commodity roadmaps, which translate our vision for Forest Positive production into tangible actions and KPIs that members commit to. Our aim in participating in the implementation of these roadmaps is to drive collaborative efforts to accelerate the removal of commodity-driven deforestation and human rights abuses from individual supply chains and drive transformational change in key commodity landscapes.
We are one of the first companies to collaborate with NGOs, geospatial service providers, data providers and academics on the UK government-funded Satellite Applications Catapult ForestMind initiative, which launched in 2020. This is a £4 million project part-funded by the European Space Agency, which we have worked with on trials for soy satellite mapping. The programme aims to use satellite technology to monitor and track the impacts of sourcing from forest areas, so that immediate action can be taken when a deforestation issue is identified.
UK Soy Manifesto
To tackle deforestation and conversion driven by soy production at scale, we believe that collective industry effort is the only way to ensure DCF supply chains for soy. We are signatories to the UK Soy Manifesto, which aims to ensure that all physical shipments of soy to the UK are DCF. From September 2022 our supplier requirements for soy require all our suppliers also become signatories to the UK Soy Manifesto and specifically commit to requiring their own suppliers to match and cascade these commitments. Annual progress reporting on our new soy policy will begin in January 2023, and we also require that our suppliers and their supply chains also report on their progress.
Landscape Initiative Projects
At Sainsbury’s, we support landscape initiative projects both in the UK, and across the world, to address the root causes of deforestation and conversion. We are supporting farmers in Brazil and Indonesia on specific key commodities and supporting projects that are working to regenerate entire ecosystems in South Africa and Peru.