Sainsbury's supports The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal

Sainsbury's supports The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal

29 October 2018

 Sainsbury’s is celebrating heritage brands that have also been around for over hundred years, to mark the Centenary of the First World War

This month, Sainsbury’s will see the return of The Poppy Appeal in stores nationwide, as an official partner of The Royal British Legion. Funds donated by Sainsbury’s customers, colleagues and suppliers from last year amounted to over £3.4 million and were used to help the Legion provide vital support services to currently serving Armed Forces, veterans and their families.

As a longstanding partner of the cause since 1994 and to mark this year’s Centenary of the end of the First World War, Sainsbury’s hopes to go one step further and raise more funds than ever. As well as selling poppies, the retailer is partnering with a number of heritage brands, including Cadbury, Gillette and Lea & Perrins to celebrate household favourites that have stood the test of time throughout the century.

Available to purchase via a limited edition heritage display, all of the historic brands involved have been around for over 100 years, and will be making an on pack donation* per sale to The Royal British Legion  as their way of saying Thank You to a generation that served, sacrificed and changed our world, making it easier for customers to donate as they shop.

Volunteers from Sainsbury’s will again be selling Remembrance poppies in stores from the 27th October – 11th November. Customers can also show their support by purchasing a range of poppy inspired gifts and collectables available in Sainsbury’s stores and online, including mugs, tea towels, pens and bouquets. Profits from the sale of these items are all donated to the charities.

As a special tribute to those who served our country, the supermarket has also created two bespoke bouquets, designed by florist and Sainsbury’s colleague, Hannah Cakebread. One bouquet is dedicated to Hannah’s Great Great Uncle, Private Fred Took, who fell in Flanders Fields during the First World War.

A national two minutes silence will also be held in all stores for colleagues and customers on Remembrance Sunday.

Claudine Blamey, Group Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability said: “We’re extremely proud to be supporting The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal again this year and we hope to raise more funds than ever to mark the Centenary. Together with our colleagues and customers, we want to show our support and say Thank You to those who have served and changed our world over the past 100 years.”

Claire Rowcliffe, Director of Fundraising at The Royal British Legion said: “The Royal British Legion is grateful to have Sainsbury’s ongoing support in such a poignant year as we mark the Centenary of the end of the First World War.

“We are saying Thank You to the entire generation who served in the First World War, and all generations of the Armed Forces community who have served since. We’ve been here since 1921, and we’ll be here as long as they need us.

“The various fundraising activity from the Sainsbury’s staff, the in store campaigns and volunteer collectors helps us to raise awareness of our vital work, and the donations will assist the Legion in making a difference to the lives of Serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families, who are in need of our support.”

Image ©The Sainsbury Archive, Museum of London Docklands.