Opening present or pumping petrol? 10.7 million drivers to hit the road on Christmas day

Opening present or pumping petrol? 10.7 million drivers to hit the road on Christmas day

21 December 2018

At Christmas, over seven million people drive more than they usually would 

Christmas morning is a time we associate with opening presents and getting started on the much-anticipated Christmas lunch, but for over 10 million UK adults it will mean strapping on seat belts for a car journey. New research from Sainsbury’s Bank Car Insurance(1) reveals 10.7 million drivers will be setting off on a Christmas car journey, almost one in five across the total population(2).

From picking up food to seeing pantomimes, the hectic holiday period also means UK adults who drive will be making more journeys than usual. More than seven million car owners (7.3 million) say they will be driving more during the festive period than they would in a typical week(3). Of this figure, three million will be breaking their normal driving habits and putting in over 30 miles during the Christmas period, which is fewer than they would in a typical week.

It seems the majority of UK drivers may be more preoccupied with parking than presents. Over half of UK drivers (53%) will undertake car journeys on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day and drivers estimate they spend an additional £56 on fuel on average in December. 

Karen Hogg, Head of Insurance at Sainsbury’s Bank, said: “The Christmas period is a busy time and it means there are more reasons for people to jump in the car, whether it is collecting the turkey, heading to a carol service or picking up family to spend the holidays with.

“Our research shows Christmas day is a peak time for car journeys so it is even more important that drivers have the right kind of cover in case they have any problems or accidents. Drivers who buy their insurance from Sainsbury’s Bank can enjoy a range of benefits and rewards which will no doubt be very welcome at the start of the new year.”

Every driver needs to be insured and Sainsbury’s Bank offers customers exclusive rewards and discounts on car insurance if you have a Nectar Card. Customers can find out more online,  get a quote and pick the right cover for them. 


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Notes to editor:

This press release is information for journalists only and is not intended to be a promotion to be acted upon by consumers.


Rates and information correct at date of issue.


Sainsbury’s Bank Car Insurance is underwritten by a carefully selected range of insurers.

 (1) Sainsbury’s Bank commissioned Opinium Research to survey 2,001 nationally representative UK adults aged 18+ between 2 and 5 October 2018. Opinium Research is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.


(2) 413 respondents will be driving on Christmas morning out of a total sample of 2001. So, 413 divided by 2001 = 0.20639680159. Multiplied by total population (52,079,000) = 10,748,939


(3)  281 respondents will be driving more miles over Christmas than in a typical week out of a total sample of 2001. So, 281 divided by 2001 = 0.1404297851. Multiplied by total population (52,079,000) =  7,313,442


Double Nectar points

  • Only available to customers buying a new Sainsbury's Bank Car Insurance policy.
  • You need to tell us your Nectar card number when you apply, and use this card with each Sainsbury's purchase.
  • Double points begin on your policy's cover start date. If you don't tell us your Nectar card number until after your cover start date, double points will begin on the date you tell us.
  • Double points stop when the policy is cancelled or you stop paying premiums.
  • Each Nectar account can only collect points from one car insurance policy.
  • It’s only the base points you collect at Sainsbury’s that are doubled. If you’re taking part in the new Nectar trial, it’s the points you get on new Nectar that are doubled. Bonus points won’t be doubled, nor will any points from Argos, Habitat, Sainsbury’s Bank (including travel money purchases), Sainsbury’s Energy or any other Sainsbury’s service.
  • By the 10th of each month, you'll get a bonus point award equal to the total of your qualifying points during the previous month, up to a maximum of 20,000 points.
  • Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd award the points from this offer.
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