Check out driving laws before motoring in Europe

Check out driving laws before motoring in Europe

27 July 2018

Nearly three in ten UK residents (29%)[1]  heading to Europe on holiday will be getting behind the wheel– equating to 15 million[2] people embarking on European road trips in the next 12 months. While the majority of them are organised when it comes to their car insurance on the continent, new research from Sainsbury’s Bank reveals that many are unaware of specific driving laws in Europe. 

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of travellers planning on driving in Europe will arrange their insurance at least six months before they travel. A further 64% know they need a valid full driving license and ID, and nearly half (48%) know proof of insurance is required for driving in Europe. However holidaymakers are less clued-up when it comes to the driving rules related to some of the most popular holiday destinations.

While the top three countries for driving holidays are Spain (28%), France (27%) and Italy (11%), just 7% of holidaymakers know that the law requires you to have an extra pair of glasses for driving in Spain. Less than a fifth (15%) are aware that in France a breathalyser kit should be in their car at all times.

When it comes to breakdown cover in Europe, nearly half of Brits (49%) say it’s important and already have it in place, while 24% say they don’t consider it to be important.

Karen Hogg, Head of Insurance at Sainsbury’s Bank said: “Before setting out on a road trip over the summer months, we’d encourage drivers to firstly check with their insurers that they are covered overseas, and then to brush up on their local motoring knowledge so they don’t get caught out.”

European Countries UK residents plan driving holidays to over the next 12 months (includes holidaymakers visiting more than one country)[1]:

 Spain  28%
 France  27%
 Italy  11%
 Germany  10%
 Belgium, Greece & Portugal respectively  8%
 Austria, Cyprus & Ireland respectively  6%
 Other including Croatia and Netherlands  34%

Sainsbury’s customers who take out a car insurance policy with the Bank can earn twice the Nectar points on their Sainsbury's shopping and fuel(3), and Nectar card holders(4) receive money off their car insurance payments. 

Our Comprehensive Car Insurance has been awarded a 5-Star Rating by Defaqto(5), the independent financial research company.  It covers driving in Europe, as well as the Third Party and Fire and Theft insurance policies(6). The Bank also offers customers optional extra RAC breakdown cover in Europe. -

For further information on Sainsbury’s Bank car insurance, underwritten by a carefully selected range of insurers, call 0345 266 1601, visit or pick up a leaflet in store.

Sainsbury’s Bank offers the following tips for European road trips:

Check all your documents: well ahead of your holiday make sure that you check not only your car insurance, but that other documents such as licenses, passports and International Driving Permits will be valid for the dates of your travel. That way if anything is due to expire, you have enough time to arrange new documents.

Insurance: call your car insurer before you leave to check whether you have comprehensive cover abroad and if required, upgrade your policy to include this.

Local laws: find out exactly what equipment you will need to carry with you in order to comply with local motoring laws. This might include anything from a first aid kit to a warning triangle and will differ from country to country.

Get a tune up before the trip: do some basic checks on your car to help minimise the risk of breakdowns or accidents, e.g. check tyre pressures, oil, brake fluid and water levels.

Learn the local language: knowing some handy phrases may help you if you need assistance on the road, such as directions to the nearest petrol station.

Route: plan your route in advance and carry a map and/or satnav.

Take your time: set a realistic timescale and take plenty of breaks. Driving on busy and unfamiliar roads abroad can be stressful so consider planning your route to avoid the centre of major cities if this is a concern.

For further information, please contact:

Sainsbury’s Bank press office 0131 286 0010 / [email protected]

Notes to editors:

This press release is information for journalists only and is not intended to be a promotion to be acted upon by consumers.

Rates and information correct at date of issue.

Notes to editors:

Sainsbury's Bank Car Insurance is arranged and administered by Sainsbury's Bank and is underwritten by a carefully selected range of insurers. When you get a quote we will tell you who the insurer is before you buy the policy

(1) Sainsbury’s Bank commissioned Opinium Research to survey 2,000 nationally representative UK adults aged 18+ between 5 and 7 May 2018. (Opinium Research is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules).

(2) 51,767,543 adults currently live in the UK (ONS) of which 29% will be travelling in Europe with a member of their travelling party driving. 29% of 51,767,543 =  15,012,587 adults

(3)  Double Nectar points

1) Only available to customers buying a new Sainsbury's Bank Car Insurance policy.
2) You need to tell us your Nectar card number when you apply, and use this card with each Sainsbury's purchase.
3) Double points begin on your policy's cover start date. If you don't tell us your Nectar card number until after your cover start date, double points will begin on the date you tell us.
4) Double points stop when the policy is cancelled or you stop paying premiums.
5) Each Nectar account can only collect points from one car insurance policy.
6) It’s only the base points you collect at Sainsbury’s that are doubled. If you’re taking part in the new Nectar trial, it’s the points you get on new Nectar that are doubled. Bonus points won’t be doubled, nor will any points from Argos, Habitat, Sainsbury’s Bank (including travel money purchases), Sainsbury’s Energy or any other Sainsbury’s service.
7) By the 10th of each month, you'll get a bonus point award equal to the total of your qualifying points during the previous month, up to a maximum of 20,000 points.
8) Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd award the points from this offer.
9) No cash alternative is available. Sainsbury's Bank reserves the right to alter, cancel or withdraw this offer without notice.

(4) The discount is based on information related to you and the transactions you've made with Sainsbury's supermarkets and Sainsbury's Bank using your Nectar card.
(5) 5-Star Rating by Defaqto, the independent financial research company, 2018
(6) Comprehensive Car Insurance – Term apply.

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