Ellie Simmonds attends Lucky School for one-of-a-kind PE lesson

Ellie Simmonds attends Lucky School for one-of-a-kind PE lesson

26 May 2017

Heyford Park Free School wins PE lesson run by Paralympic gold medallist as part of the Sainsbury’s Active Kids programme

Today pupils of Heyford Park Free School won the chance to spend their morning with Paralympian Ellie Simmonds, as part of a competition prize through the Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme.

As Ellie arrived at the school she was greeted by Heyford Park Free School’s Assistant Principal of PE, Mrs Vicky Wallington. Ellie then headed to the school assembly where she spoke to pupils about the importance of exercising and eating well from an early age as both primary and secondary school pupils asked her questions about how she maintains her lifestyle to ensure she’s on top form for important events. Ellie then proceeded to run a tough PE lesson with 20 of the school’s pupils, teaching them a range of skills to keep active.

This visit to Heyford Park Free School marked the continued success of the Active Kids programme, now in its 12th year, which sees Sainsbury’s donate millions of pounds worth of sports and cookery equipment to over 30,000 schools and clubs across the UK - helping more children to eat well, move well and live well.

Ellie Simmonds, Paralympic Champion and Active Kids ambassador, said: “It’s a privilege to be able to go into schools across the UK, as part of my role as Sainsbury’s Active Kids ambassador, and speak to them about the importance of good nutrition and keeping active. Today I loved hosting the PE lesson and showing the pupils some of the fun and different exercises they can do to keep active inside and outside of school time.”

Ellie Simmonds is an ambassador for Sainsbury’s Active Kids, alongside fellow Team GB Paralympic hero Jonnie Peacock, Liverpool footballer Daniel Sturridge and England footballer Lucy Bronze.

Since 2005, Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme has provided children with the opportunity to have a go at activities like cooking, martial arts and dance encouraging kids to lead healthier and more active lives from a young age. Sainsbury’s is committed to making a real difference to the lives of young people by supporting children to eat well, move well and live well.

To find out more about Sainsbury’s Active Kids go to https://activekids.sainsburys.co.uk