Football ace, Daniel Sturridge, surprises school kids with Sainsbury’s Active Kids equipment after break in

Football ace, Daniel Sturridge, surprises school kids with Sainsbury’s Active Kids equipment after break in

16 May 2017

Liverpool FC and England footballer, Daniel Sturridge, has teamed up with Sainsbury’s to surprise children in Flintshire after thieves broke into their school during the Easter holiday and stole hundreds of pounds worth of PE and outdoor equipment.

On Monday 8 May, Sturridge visited St Winefride’s Catholic Primary School, in Holywell, to deliver £500 worth of PE and outdoor equipment which was donated through Sainsbury’s Active Kids. The donation will replace kit that was stolen from two storage units at the school in April and was organised by colleagues from Sainsbury’s in Flint.

The Liverpool and England hero surprised the children, who believed they were having an ordinary PE lesson, by turning up with armfuls of equipment including footballs, tennis rackets and space hoppers. The kids were stunned as Sturridge appeared in the assembly hall with colleagues from the nearby Sainsbury’s store in Flint. The Liverpool striker answered questions from the children before heading to the playing field for a PE lesson with the school’s football team where he cheered on the children and shared his skills on the pitch – including his iconic ‘Daniel Sturridge dance’.

He also took time out of his busy schedule to meet four-year-old Alfie Edwards whose parents originally got in touch with Sainsbury’s to ask for help when the theft took place. Alfie chatted to Sturridge before being presented with a signed football, which his Dad described as ‘a dream come true’.

Daniel Sturridge, Active Kids ambassador for Sainsbury’s, said: “It was great to head back to school to surprise the children at St Winefride’s with their new equipment and have a kick about with some potential future football stars. When I found out about the break in I was really keen to help out and put a smile back on the faces of the children and staff.

“I love being part of the Active Kids scheme helping encourage children to eat well, move well and live well. I’d urge everyone to hand in their Active Kids vouchers to registered schools and clubs in their local area before 30 June so we can help to get even more children involved in sports and exercise.”

Sian Jones-Evans, Head Teacher at St Winefride’s Catholic Primary School, added: “When some of the parents got in touch with Sainsbury’s to explain that our equipment had been stolen, we hoped they may be able to give us a couple of footballs and outdoor toys. But we were completely overwhelmed when they said they’d be donating £500 worth of Active Kids kit – and having the equipment delivered by Daniel was a tremendous surprise.

“Daniel is such an inspiration and all of the children and staff loved having him here. He’s certainly got them excited about health and exercise.

“Overall we’re really grateful to Sainsbury’s for all of their support. The Active Kids scheme has already helped us to teach hundreds of children how to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle and with our new kit we can continue to inspire children to be involved in sport.”

Anna Harland, Head of Corporate Responsibility & Society for Sainsbury’s, said: “We were really disappointed to hear about the burglary at St Winefride’s Catholic Primary School over Easter and we wanted to do something to help. We hope that a surprise visit from Daniel and some new Sainsbury’s Active Kids equipment has gone some way to encourage the kids to continue living healthy and active lifestyles.”

The 2017 Active Kids voucher collection scheme ran until 2 May. Customers received one voucher for every £10 spent in supermarkets and one voucher for every £5 spent in convenience stores. Since the scheme began, schools in Wales have received over £3.6 million worth of equipment.

Sturridge is one of four Active Kids Ambassadors. Fresh from a record-breaking season with Liverpool FC, he continued to support the scheme in 2017 and is now encouraging Sainsbury’s shoppers to hand in their vouchers which can redeemed by registered schools and groups in exchange for sports and cooking equipment and experiences.

Over the years the Active Kids scheme has grown and expanded to help inspire healthy eating for children and includes items of cooking equipment to get them involved. There is also a range of free cooking and nutrition toolkits – endorsed by the British Nutrition Foundation, which are available to teachers to help children learn about a balanced diet. Since the scheme launched in 2005, over £170 million worth of equipment and experiences has been handed over to registered schools, groups and clubs across the UK.

To see what happened when Daniel Sturridge suprised the pupils please visit and for more information on the Active Kids scheme go to