A classic Christmas in 2017? Brits eat chocolate for breakfast, booze at brunch and fall asleep in front of the TV 

A classic Christmas in 2017? Brits eat chocolate for breakfast, booze at brunch and fall asleep in front of the TV 

13 November 2017

New research from Sainsbury's into Brits' festive habits reveals what makes a modern British Christmas 

New research from Sainsbury’s has pin-pointed the fifty things that truly make a great British Christmas, from celebratory bubbles in the morning to a snooze on the sofa.

Over 2,000 people were asked by the retailer to name the things that make the perfect Christmas in their households and the list was wonderfully diverse.

Telling terrible cracker jokes proved to be a sure-fire festive hit with Brits - as awful gags around the Christmas lunch table secured the top spot of Christmas traditions in homes up and down the UK.

Food and drink remains at the heart of the British Christmas experience: a fifth of Brits will have chocolate for breakfast on December 25th, while a quarter will enjoy brunch as well as lunch, a third will sip some fizz before lunchtime, and a quarter of us will complain that we’ve eaten too much before finding space for a little bit more.

Festive frustrations – losing the end of the sticky tape, receiving Christmas cards from people who dropped off the list, getting socks under the tree again and having to develop “gift face” for unwelcome presents – all made the list of the most common Christmas occurrences across the nation.

Sainsbury’s research into what makes “Every bit of Christmas” also identified the activities that take place across the nation on Christmas day. Perhaps predictable was the presence of telly-watching, especially whilst dozing on the sofa, as well as watching big screen classics like A Muppets Christmas Carol.

A fifth of Brits will watch the Queen’s Speech whilst a further fifth will try and walk off a few extra goose fat roasties on the post-lunch walk. Other favourite festive activities included playing secret Santa with work colleagues, watching Christmas lights being switched on and leaving treats out for Santa and Rudolph on Christmas Eve.

Sainsbury’s has celebrated these traditions in musical form in its Christmas advertising campaign this year to show how it’s the little things that come together to create the perfect festive season and mean that households are ‘living well’ at Christmas. In a song written by rapper and comedian Ben Bailey Smith – also known as Doc Brown, members of the public celebrate their love of the top traditions that the research uncovered.

Laura Boothby, Head of Broadcast Communications at Sainsbury’s said: “Christmas means something unique to every household and we all have our favourite moments and traditions that help us live well during the festive season. To understand what makes up a truly British Christmas, we asked the nation about the moments big and small that make up Christmas and we have celebrated them in this year’s Christmas campaign.

From chocolate and crackers to sprouts and sticky tape, Sainsbury’s can help you with everything you need to have a Christmas filled with all of your favourite traditions. And many of our stores are open until late on Christmas Eve for those whose Christmas would be nothing without an emergency last-minute food shop!”

The Sainsbury’s Christmas campaign – which features many of the top traditions – will air throughout the season of good will (and bad jokes). It will also have some cameo appearances from some of the personalities who best capture the nation’s Christmas moments.

  1. Telling terrible cracker jokes
  2. Losing the end of the Sellotape
  3. Falling asleep in front of the television during Christmas Day afternoon
  4. Wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve
  5. Drinking fizz before lunch
  6. Watching film classics, like the Muppets Christmas Carol
  7. Getting a Christmas card from someone you’ve not sent one to
  8. Receiving a pair of socks, again
  9. Complaining you’ve eaten too much, then going in for more
  10. Circling TV programmes in the Christmas television guide
  11. Having Christmas brunch and lunch
  12. Last minute emergency food shopping
  13. Watching the Queen’s speech
  14. Going for a post-lunch walk
  15. Saying “I still have the receipt if you don’t like it” at least once
  16. Big heads tearing through paper hats
  17. Having chocolate for breakfast
  18. Pretending to like Christmas presents and having to use your best “gift face”
  19. Drinking mulled wine
  20. Leaving a mince pie, carrot and drink out for Santa
  21. Getting creative with the leftovers
  22. Wearing your new Christmas clothing all day
  23. Writing Christmas cards just in time for the last post
  24. Driving around to see the houses that have gone big on outdoor decorations
  25. Wearing a novelty Christmas jumper on the day itself
  26. Forgetting to label gifts and having no idea who they’re for
  27. Finding creative hiding places for presents
  28. Having to do a top-up Christmas shop, because you can’t resist eating and drinking some of the delicious treats before the day itself
  29. Eating at least two Turkey dinners before Christmas day itself
  30. Playing secret Santa with work colleagues
  31. Writing thank you letters
  32. Seeing the lights switched on in the town centre
  33. Being woken by the kids at 5.00 am
  34. Using an actual nut cracker
  35. Trying to find a present for Dad, always the trickiest person to buy for
  36. Sending Christmas gift list letters to Santa
  37. Getting out the emergency chairs for the big family meal
  38. Enjoying the Salvation Army band in the centre of town
  39. Forgetting where the Christmas decorations were put away the previous year
  40. Battling over the favourite chocolates in the selection box
  41. Eating Brussels sprouts for the first and only time this year
  42. Re-gifting a present in an emergency
  43. Dancing at the work Christmas party
  44. Playing charades as a family
  45. Kissing someone under the mistletoe
  46. Eating roast chestnuts
  47. Finding a satsuma at the end of the stocking
  48. Flicking through catalogues and circling the items you want
  49. Going to a Santa’s Grotto with the kids
  50. Trying to get children to go to sleep on Christmas Eve