Emmerdale Comes Top in ‘Soap’ Food Waste Study

Emmerdale Comes Top in ‘Soap’ Food Waste Study

29 January 2016

A leading supermarket has sifted through hours of Britain’s favourite soaps to identify the show whose characters waste the least food – and it seems the residents of Emmerdale are the best at wasting less.

According to Sainsbury’s independent, ‘Waste less, Save more’ study, the Hollyoaks guys and gals came a close second to the much loved Emmerdale, with Coronation Street folk taking bronze place and the people of EastEnders’ Albert Square coming in last place.*

The research was commissioned to highlight the four million tonnes of edible food that’s binned every year in the UK costing the average UK household £700 per year**. Sainsbury’s study reveals a shocking ‘food waste gap’ as more than three quarters (83%) of UK families are under the impression they waste little, or no food***. In addition, 41% of Brits believe soaps have a role to play in educating the nation about food waste and saving money.

Paul Crewe, Head of Sustainability, Sainsbury’s comments: “Soaps represent everyday British life - albeit a very dramatic version! With so many of us tuning it each week, what better way to bring the issue of food waste to the forefront.”

More than 20 hours of recent episodes were analysed to see the way characters shop for, store, cook and eat food to help bring to life the good habits we can learn from our favourite soap characters.

Top no-waste habits from TV favourites: 

  • Characters from Emmerdale like the Dingles are the best at not over-filling their plates at mealtimes, especially at breakfast time
  • Hollyoaks residents are the most sensible and savvy shoppers. Darren Osbourne’s grocery shopping takes up just two small paper bags, and in an episode that aired on 4th January, Esther doesn’t hang around to talk to Grace, stating she needs to get her ice cream home before it melts
  • All soaps showed room for improvement on how they store their food. The classic bowl of fruit that crops up in every soap shows everyone’s apples which should actually be in the fridge - Ian Beale is a serial offender despite his fruit and veg roots!
  • EastEnders scored most highly overall on negative food behaviors, and in particular not finishing meals (Shirley Carter) and not storing food correctly (Shabnam)
  • True to form, Hollyoaks twins Jason and Robbie keep their fridge tidy, unlike their love life
  • Sally from Coronation Street has been known to plan family meals ahead of time – even if it’s just cheese and broccoli

The news comes as Swadlincote, Derbyshire, receives £1m worth of investment through Sainsbury’s Waste less, Save more initiative, becoming a test-bed of ideas and innovation to dramatically cut food waste by 50%. 

Dubbed, “Sustainability Street”, Swadlincote has created a cast of real-life characters to lead the charge in the town’s campaign to reduce their waste! 

Paul Crewe continues: “Swadlincote beat off 188 other UK cities and towns to receive £1 million investment to test the latest innovations and ideas to halve food waste in the town which we hope means a saving of £350 per household over the coming year!”

Ideas and innovations being tested range from giving everyone in the town fridge thermometers, trialing the food sharing app Olio, to finding families to test smart kitchen technologies and advising shoppers on how to waste less. 

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Trewin Restorick, CEO and Founder of Hubbub, adds: “As a nation we throw away 15 million tonnes of food and drink every year and much of this can be avoided. We know that the British public looks to soaps to educate and inform them on social issues, of which food waste is one. Whether it is not over-filling characters plates at mealtimes, or ensuring food is not left out uncovered, with just a few simple changes to how these everyday actions are captured on camera we’re sure they can have a big impact on how viewers behave in their own lives.”

Swadlincotes “Sustainability Street” character profiles:

  • Paula Chapman, mother of six: Paula is the poster-girl for wasting less and saving more, wasting as little food as possible at home. She makes her own bread, composts all vegetable peels, never has any leftovers and even boils crushed egg shells to feed her animals.
  • Affy Ali, restaurant and bar owner: Affy owns a popular local restaurant in the center of the town, and reducing food waste is part of his business strategy. He and his staff are meticulous when it comes to measuring the exact portions of food for each dish, and never buying too much food.
  • Gail Archer, Grandmother living alone: Gail works at Swadlincote’s famous Pottery Museum, the center-piece of the town and its most famous landmark. Since she lives alone, she tends to buy food in small quantities and cook small portions to avoid food waste. She is always on the lookout for seasonal and locally grown food.
  • Andy Chalmers, teacher: Andy moved to Swadlincote with his family, including son Lewis, for a teaching job in the town. He admits that he could do more to waste less food and that teachers like him have a responsibility to educate children about food waste.
  • Lewis Chalmers, Musician: At 22, Lewis is the youngest in the group, and also wastes the most food. Lewis is an aspiring musician who also works at the airport to pay the bills. He admits to buying food just because it is on sale, throwing away uneaten food and cooking and serving too much - all of which leads to food waste.  

*Research carried out in association with Icaro and is based on watching 10 episodes of each soap

**Wrap research based on a household with children 

***Figures, where stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2173 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th - 20th January 2016.  The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).