Re-inventing the Wheel, With New Round Breakfast Cereal from Sainsbury’s

Re-inventing the Wheel, With New Round Breakfast Cereal from Sainsbury’s

21 November 2016

We have often overlooked it, but why is our favourite breakfast cereal oblong, if our bowls are round? You can never quite get that even consistency to your toppings and there is always a bit that’s just too dry! The solution lies in Sainsbury’s latest new cereal – the new round by Sainsbury’s Whole-wheat Biscuits, designed to fit perfectly in your cereal bowl.

The supermarket is launching a trial of the nation’s first circular Whole-wheat Biscuits cereal, offering not only the same great taste, serving and quality as before, but now even better value for money too*. A healthier way to start the day, they are low in sugar and fat and fortified with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, folic acid and iron. 

Food psychologist, Professor Charles Spence has noted that: “When it comes to food, people associate round shapes with more pleasant, satisfying, creamy tastes and by contrast, people associate salty, sour, and bitter tasting foods with angular shapes, making them a less desirable shape to consume.”

Victoria March, Product Developer for cereals at Sainsbury’s said “we can’t believe we didn’t think of it before! Such a simple solution to a universal breakfast problem, allowing us to still offer our customers the same great qualities as our tried and tested product, but now with the ideal fit!”

Currently as part of a four month trial, if the new shape makes your morning magnificent, show your support on social media using @sainsburysnews #wellrounded. If the new and exciting shape proves to be a hit, Sainsbury's will continue to stock it.

The new round Whole-wheat Breakfast Biscuit Cereal is available in packs of 24 (£1.25) and 48 (£2.15) from 20th November in selected Sainsbury’s stores nationwide.