Sainsbury’s customers go strawberry mad, buying one punnet every second.
Strawberries are set to become the bestselling product* at Sainsbury’s for four months. Yes that's right, selling more than milk, bread and tea, proving nothing quite hails summer for us Brits like a punnet of juicy strawberries. Last year, British strawberries were the top selling item for a whopping 20 weeks in a row.
British varieties now available in store include; Dream, a variety exclusive to Sainsbury’s which is sweet and aromatic with a delightfully juicy flesh; and Murano, a variety specifically bred to offer the best combination of flavour and vibrant colour.
Five things you need to know about strawberries from Sainsbury's technical manager for soft fruits and ‘Strawberry Guru’, Peter Czarnobaj:
1. One punnet of strawberries is sold every second at Sainsbury’s – equating to 50,000,000 punnets a year**
2. Sainsbury’s sells over 15 different British varieties across the summer to ensure quality and extend the season
3. The varieties are sourced from 21 UK counties – from Kent to Kincardineshire and Somerset to Suffolk
4. Strawberries don’t always taste as you’d expect – look out for the subtle flavours of peach, apple and blackcurrant in different varieties
5. Strawberries tossed in a drizzle of balsamic vinegar are a perfect summer dessert. It might sound crazy but the sharpness of the balsamic vinegar with the sweet, ripe berries makes a really delicious combination
Peter says: "Once we come into the British strawberry season, we would expect them to remain the top pick in customers’ baskets for around 5 months! You could say, it's the most important product to get right at this time of year. Our customers agree that we have indeed done this and continue to enjoy the tasty punnets of one of our most prized products".
Notes to Editors
* by Sainsbury's British Strawberries 400g are the number 1 product in customers’ baskets
**50 million punnets per year / 138k per day (363 trading days) / 5750 per hour / 95 per minute / over 1 per second