The loyalty of a 'man's best friend' is finally paying off for dogs across the UK according to the latest sales figures from Sainsbury's. Compared to their feline friends, dogs are twice as likely to find a present under the Christmas tree this year, with dog gifts outselling cat gifts by 100%.
- Sales figures reveal dog owners are twice as likely to buy Christmas gifts than cat owners
- Sainsbury’s launches nationwide feline appeal #LoveYourMog in Christmas week
As pet owners prepare to spoil their pup Sainsbury’s has sold twice as many stockings and gifts for dogs, compared to stockings for cats, so far this year.
Vernon Davis, the Buying Manager for Pet Care at Sainsbury’s said: “We’re left scratching our heads to see cat owners being put to shame by indulgent dog owners this Christmas! Especially as we’re particularly protective of our own Mog who is the star of our Christmas advert this season! And it’s not just presents - sales of our premium pet food - The Delicious Collection, have increased 55% for dogs this month compared with a 26% uplift in cat options and this is a trend that continues from last year. So dogs are even winning at lunch too! To help all those mogs left in the doghouse this year we’re campaigning for Britons to give dog owners a run for their money and make it a merry Mog-mas for cats too!"
Further figures also revealed dogs were more likely to enjoy treats in the run up to Christmas, with sales of their advent calendars up 30% compared to last year, while cat options remained the same.
Luckily for our feline friends, it’s not too late as this Christmas is set to be the biggest ever for pet treats and gifts and there’s still time for cats across the UK to win on Christmas Day. Toys for four legged members of the family continue to rise steadily with a 10% uplift and the Sainsbury’s pet gifts range is bigger than ever.
Vernon Davis, concluded: “With only three days left until Christmas, we are making a plea to all of Mog’s fans to treat her relatives across the country with affection this festive period. Dog owners are leading the way on all fronts so far, but there is still time for cat lovers to catch up!”
Shoppers looking for cat gift ideas are invited to tweet @SainsburysNews with #LoveYourMog where a team of mog experts are on hand to help.