How to make the perfect pancake

How to make the perfect pancake

16 February 2015

At Sainsbury's, we love Pancake Day. Because it's the one day in the year you can eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner without people looking at you funny.

This Pancake Day, we'll sell

  • 30,000 frying pans and spatulas
  • 250,000 litres of lemon juice
  • 1.7 million lemons
  • 1.4 million oranges
  • 1.5 million bags of flour
  • 120 tonnes of berries (the equivalent of 10 London buses)

How to make the perfect pancake

Over the years, we've collected some top tips on how to make the perfect pancake - all of which we've pulled together in this handy little infographic.

Pancakes _Infographic _520

Our favourite food bloggers share their pancake recipes