Thousands of green fingered school children across the county are set to receive free trees as the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity marks a historic tree planting milestone.
Over the last year, the Woodland Trust – with lead partner Sainsbury’s – has planted a million trees to honour those who lived and served in the First World War.
As well as being in the process to plant four new UK woods it has provided free trees to thousands of schools and communities.
This week it will deliver 465,000 free trees to schools and communities across the country. One of these trees could contain a golden ticket that identifies one lucky group as the custodians of the millionth tree of the charity’s First World War Centenary Woods Project. The tree will provide a poignant reminder to the fact that Britain lost around a million people during the war.
Trees are desperately needed in the UK as tree cover is very low at just 13 per cent, compared to the European average of 38 per cent.
We are the lead partner of the First World War Centenary Woods project by helping to plant millions of native trees to commemorate the First World War. And, we have supported the Woodland Trust since 2004 with the launch of free range Woodland eggs and other products.
First World War Project Manager Philippa Borrill said: “This week is a really exciting and poignant time for the Woodland Trust. Not only will hundreds of schools be receiving free trees – bringing the important educational and health benefits of nature to many, but the millionth tree marks an important milestone in our First World War Project. We are a quarter of the way through the project to plant millions of trees as a lasting tribute to those who lived and served in the First World War. One group will receive a golden ticket – and essentially will become custodians of our millionth tree. While this is a fun idea it is also a symbolic mark in the commemorations as one million people also lost their lives in the First World War.”
Fawbert and Barnard Primary School, in Harlow, Essex, received free trees to plant as protection from a busy busy road, as part of the spring 2015 send out. More than 50 children enjoyed planting the trees as part of a lunchtime club.
Christine Baxter, senior administrator at the school, said: “When we do an activity such as planting trees, I always explain to the children what we are doing and why. They learn a new skill, they get to realise that not everything they plant survives but that they stand a better chance if we look after them. So many children do not get the opportunities to enjoy seeing things grow but it is obvious they do get so much out of doing so. We set aside a part of our budget each year for the environment but it is never able to be enough - the free packs are greatly appreciated.”
The school or community group which receives the ticket will be asked to contact the Woodland Trust which is organising a special surprise for them.
Woodland Trust tree packs have been generously funded by lead partners Sainsbury’s, IKEA FAMILY, players of People’s Postcode Lottery and Yorkshire Tea.
Be part of this special project
Schools and communities can now apply for tree packs for spring 2016 – the Woodland Trust will have 3250 available.
All those eligible will receive their tree packs between 7-11 March 2016. People can apply for packs by going to