Fourth Quarter Corporate Responsibility & Society Update

Fourth Quarter Corporate Responsibility & Society Update

18 March 2014

Strong progress in our 20x20 Plan with our ‘Value of Values’ campaign reaching consumers and colleagues

  • Joint top in fish sustainability league from Marine Conservation Society and recognised as market leaders in Greenpeace’s tinned tuna league
  • Signed a new long-term deal with British Athletics and proud sponsors of the record breaking GB Paralympic Team in Sochi 2014
  • Introduced calorie labelling on 20 of our new Winemakers’ Selection wines
  • 125,000th PV panel installation, retaining our position as largest multi-roof solar panel operator in Europe
  • Welsh Community Grant Fund established to award over £50,000 to local charities
  • Major recruitment campaign launched for our Local stores in London

Justin King, Chief Executive, said: "It has been another quarter of good progress towards our 20x20 Sustainability Plan with significant achievements across all five values, and a focus on engaging our customers in the ‘Value of Values’.

"With the re-launch of our basics range we have shown how great value products can also have strong ethical credentials. For example, our basics smoked salmon trimmings come from Scottish farms where fish have room to swim around and thrive in a healthy environment, and our basics eggs all come from hens that are free to roam.

"We have also created a series of online films called ‘Little Stories, Big Difference’ where colleagues in store celebrate everything from reduced packaging to the removal of salt from our products demonstrating how our values make us different."

1. Best for food and health

  • Healthier Baskets: In January, we ran a ‘healthier swap’ campaign, designed to encourage customers to switch to a healthier product. The campaign was supported with sampling in store as well as highlighting the calorie saving for swapping to an alternative, healthier product online. The online campaign saved just under 250,000 calories from our customers’ baskets across a three week period. We also introduced six new lines to our My Goodness! range, expanding the choice to 26 products.
  • Alcohol: In February we introduced calorie labelling on 20 of our new Winemakers’ Selection wines. The rollout will continue on all our own brand wines across 2014 and 2015.
  • Allergens: In November we removed nut and sesame seed allergen warnings from 13 salad and dips lines including top selling lines such as Taste the Difference coleslaw, by addressing processes within the manufacturing site.

2. Sourcing with integrity

  • Sustainable seafood: We received the ‘Gold’ award and were rated joint first in the Marine Conservation Society Supermarket Survey assessment of retailer seafood policies, pricing and labelling, in recognition of our work to support sustainable fish and aquaculture industries. We were also recognised as market leaders in the Greenpeace Tuna League 2014, recognising our use of sustainable tuna in own brand products, including in sandwiches and salads.
  • Fairly traded: We launched a new “women grown” Taste the Difference Kopakama Fairtrade Ground Coffee. Grown in Rwanda, Kopakama supports women farmers who are widows of the genocide, and is fully traceable, with a premium paid to the growers.
  • International development: We are partnering with DfID on two new projects. In Kenya a new radio show will address issues such as financial literacy, nutrition and health to benefit up to 26,000 farmers and workers, their families and communities who supply our vegetables, flowers and tea. In South Africa we will deliver a training programme for fruit supply workers.

3. Respect for our environment

  • 125,000 PV Installation: In March we reached a significant milestone in renewable energy with the installation of our 125,000 photovoltaic solar panel. With 29.5 MWp now installed across 217 stores and depots, this is equivalent to powering over 3,000 houses for a year, helping to reduce our total CO2 emissions by around 13,750 tonnes pa, making us the largest multi-roof solar panel operator in Europe.
  • Carbon Assessments: Our Farmer & Grower Development Groups are now in their sixth year of carbon foot printing and have reduced their collective carbon footprint by 128,000 tonnes, with an environmental bonus now being paid to our Dairy Development Group.
  • Christmas Card Recycling: This year we extended our Christmas card collection points to over 1,000 supermarkets and convenience stores. We collected 64.5 tonnes of cards and made a donation of over £9,000 to the Forest Stewardship Council to help their work to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.

4. Making a positive difference to our community

  • Welsh Community Fund Grant: We created a new fund of over £53,000 for charities and local community groups in Wales, linked to the new flat rate charge for carrier bags, through our online deliveries in Wales. Shortlisted projects will receive up to £500 each.
  • Active Kids: Our voucher collection scheme launched marking Active Kids’ 10th year. With a renewed focus on cooking, this year’s catalogue includes over 100 new cooking items in support of changes to the national curriculum on practical cooking.
  • British Athletics: We have signed a new long-term deal with British Athletics, building on the momentum of our involvement in 2012 Paralympics. This includes sponsorship of a number of athletic events including January’s Sainsbury’s Indoor Grand Prix in Birmingham, where para-athletics continued to play a starring role in the athletics calendar, and Sainsbury’s Grand Prix in Glasgow from 11– 12 July 2014.

5. A great place to work

  • Convenience store jobs: In January we launched a major recruitment campaign to find up to 500 Team Leaders, 100 Store Managers and 100 Deputy Managers, to power the growth of our Local convenience stores with 60 new stores due to open in London and the South East in the next year.
  • Employment: Over 2,500 of the temporary seasonal jobs we created for Christmas and the New Year were made permanent.
  • Engagement: ‘Talkback’ is our annual colleague survey providing feedback from colleagues about working at Sainsbury’s. We received some of our highest ever scores from colleagues working in supermarkets, which have seen a four percentage point increase year on year.