eBooks by Sainsbury’s launches Britain’s biggest ever eBook giveaway

eBooks by Sainsbury’s launches Britain’s biggest ever eBook giveaway

13 February 2014

eBooks by Sainsbury’s has launched a record-breaking two-year offer designed to encourage millions of children to read more. From today, everyone buying a box of Sainsbury’s own-brand children’s cereal will be able to download a free copy of some of the best loved children’s books.

Customers who buy the cereals either in-store or online can choose from four titles by two of the country’s most celebrated children’s authors – The Story of Tracy Beaker and Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilsonand Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life and I Funny by James Patterson.

Dame Jacqueline Wilson said: “I think reading is my greatest pleasure. As a child I read everything - I could even quote the back of cereal packets word for word because I read them every breakfast time. I'm delighted that two of my books are in this brilliant Sainsbury's eBooks promotion.”

James Patterson commented: “I am passionate about getting more kids reading because it can open up a whole world of possibilities to them. If kids can’t read well, how can they possibly succeed? This isn’t about reading Charles Dickens or Shakespeare, but learning to read with confidence – if they can do that, they can make their way through school, college, work and life! I really think the mission to get kids reading more is about saving lives.”

Tim Lennox, Managing Director of eBooks by Sainsbury’s, said: “I hope this offer will mean millions of children enjoy reading some of the best loved children’s books. We sell over six million boxes of Sainsbury’s branded cereal every year so this is a great way to encourage children to read at no cost to their parents.”

He continued: “We are delighted to be working with Penguin Random House UK and two of the biggest names in children’s books, Jacqueline Wilson and James Patterson. We look forward to offering our customers these brilliant titles in the largest giveaway of its kind.’

To download the free books customers simply need to visit Sainsburys's eBooks and enter the unique voucher code, or scan the QR code displayed, and then download the eBook to their tablet device, or smartphone free of charge.