Champion Cheese Results for Sainsbury’s

Champion Cheese Results for Sainsbury’s

04 August 2014

By Sainsbury’s Mature Cheddar has been awarded Reserve Supreme Champion at this year’s Nantwich Cheese Festival, the biggest international cheese awards in the world.

The Sainsbury’s haul of 160 awards at the festival includes 14 trophies for Champion Cheeses and 46 Gold awards. The Reserve Supreme Champion winning by Sainsbury’s cheddar is made by the Taw Valley Creamery in Devon, made to a recipe developed by and exclusive to Sainsbury’s - it is only available in Sainsbury’s stores in pre-pack “red label by Sainsbury’s mature cheddar” and on Sainsbury’s instore deli counters. This champion cheese is a fabulous mature cheddar, aged between 10-12 months. It has a firm texture and long lasting, well balanced flavour with real depth and wonderful savoury notes.

Win Merrells, Sainsbury’s Cheese Product Developer said: "This fantastic win proves that great cheese does not have to be expensive. By taking good ingredients and using a carefully devised recipe, you can make a cheese that is very affordable but worthy of champion status.”

Win Merrells was amongst the senior judges at the show, where all of the tasting is done completely blind. While at the show, Win was invited to join the Guilde Internationale des Fromagers, with five other cheese experts, in recognition of their knowledge and services to the cheese industry. This is in addition to the Cheese Industry Award presented to Win in May 2014 by the British Cheese Board, recognising her outstanding contributions to the UK cheese industry during a career spanning 37 years, at least 10 of which she has dedicated to the dairy industry. Win became only the 2nd person from the retailing world to ever win the award.