Sainsbury’s named as a Times top employer for women

Sainsbury’s named as a Times top employer for women

03 April 2014

The accolade recognises Sainsbury’s proactive approach to career development – this includes actively engaging with future business leaders through Inspiring the Future – a group that links volunteer mentors with schools and colleges to promote careers.

Nearly 300 volunteers from Sainsbury’s have now signed up to the scheme to give talks in schools and colleges to give insight into careers and roles.

This is in addition to the 500 women who are now on one of Sainsbury’s own mentoring programmes and leadership pathways.

Roger Burnley, Managing Director for General Merchandise, Clothing and Logistics and Board sponsor for Gender Diversity at Sainsbury’s, said: “As one of the UK’s biggest employers, we’re proud to be recognised for our progressive approach to inspiring and developing people.

“Being an inclusive employer is part of Sainsbury’s heritage – from the first female store managers in the 1940s, to today where a third of our operational board and departmental directors are women. We work incredibly hard to promote the many career opportunities in a business of our size, scale and reach. So today’s announcement shores up our position as a destination for people who want to grow and develop with us, and a business where there is no glass ceiling.”

Angie Risley, Group HR Director at Sainsbury’s, said: “The Times Top 50 Award recognises the breadth of our approach to making Sainsbury’s a diverse and inclusive place to work. Our diversity strategy is integral to our goal of being the most inclusive retailer where people love to work and shop. We have robust policies in place, but we are constantly aspiring to do more. With sponsorship from board level we have targeted priority areas that will help us achieve this.”

The list is produced in partnership with Opportunity Now, a campaign group for gender diversity. Kathryn Nawrockyi, Director of Opportunity Now,said:  “Congratulations to Sainsbury's on being included in The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2014. The standard of entries was incredibly high once again, and they should be hugely proud of their success. They are a great example of strong leadership; of how putting gender equality at the core of a business can create real, sustainable change for women, organisations and society as a whole. I hope other employers will be inspired by their work and use it to accelerate progress for women in their workforce.”