Corporate governance

Corporate governance

We’re committed to high standards of corporate governance, and apply the main and supporting principles of the UK Corporate Governance Code. This Code emphasises the need for well-balanced, effective boards, strong overseeing of risk management, alignment of remuneration policies with shareholder interests, and sound shareholder relations.

Further information is available in our Annual Report, which includes our Corporate governance statement and Remuneration report.

Our Board and committees

The Board

The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the Group and we achieve this through the creation and delivery of sustainable shareholder value. In addition to setting the Group’s strategy and overseeing its implementation by management, we provide leadership to the business including on culture, values and ethics, monitoring the Group’s overall financial performance, and ensuring effective corporate governance and succession planning. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that effective internal control and risk management systems are in place.

The matters reserved for the Board can be found here.

Our Chair is responsible for leading the Board, setting its agenda and monitoring its effectiveness. Our Chief Executive is responsible for executing the strategy once it’s been agreed by the Board.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee reviews the integrity of financial information prior to publication, oversees the systems of internal control and risk management and approves the internal and external audit process. It carries out in-depth reviews of specific risks, particularly information security and data governance.

The Audit Committee terms of reference can be found here.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee recommends and reviews the remuneration policy, ensuring it is aligned to the long-term success of the Company. It also approves the remuneration and benefits of Executive and Operating Board Directors.

The Remuneration Committee terms of reference can be found here.

Nomination and Governance Committee

The Nomination and Governance Committee reviews the balance of skills, knowledge, experience, independence and diversity of the Board and its Committees, and succession planning at Board and senior management levels.

The Nomination and Governance Committee terms of reference can be found here.

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Committee

The CR&S Committee reviews the sustainability strategy and the Company’s progress on the key corporate responsibility initiatives including our values, and colleague and customer engagement.

The Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Committee terms of reference can be found here.


Membership of the Audit, Remuneration, Nomination & Governance and CR&S Committees

Director Audit Remuneration Nomination CR&S
Martin Scicluna C M
Simon Roberts M
Blathnaid Bergin
Brian Cassin M   M  
Jo Harlow   C M M
Adrian Hennah C
M M  
Tanuj Kapilashrami M
Jo Bertram

Keith Weed

C - Chairman M - Member


Internal controls and risk management

Our Board has overall responsibility for risk management, the system of internal control and for reviewing the effectiveness of these at least annually.

The diagram below provides an overview of the key risk management activities undertaken by leadership that allow the Board to fulfil their obligations under the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 and Companies Act 2006.

key risk management activities

The risk management process is designed to manage, rather than eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve our business objectives and can only provide reasonable, not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss.

The internal controls framework encompasses controls relating to financial reporting, preparation of consolidated Group accounts, operations and compliance, risk management and Sainsbury’s interests in joint ventures.


Stakeholders and Section 172 statements

Stakeholder considerations and our culture are an important part of the Board’s discussions and decision making in promoting the long-term success of our companies. Our Section 172 statements show how Directors have discharged their duties to promote the success of our companies for the benefit of their members as a whole and, in doing so, have regard to the interest of other stakeholders, whilst maintaining high standards of business conduct. These statements include examples of the key matters that the Boards have considered during the year and set out key stakeholder considerations that influenced discussions and outcomes.

To view our J Sainsbury plc Stakeholder and Section 172 statement, please click here.

The Section 172 statements for our applicable UK subsidiaries can be found in the Annual Report and Financial Statements linked below.

 Name of Subsidiary  Section 172 statements 
Argos Limited  View pdf
JS Information Systems Limited  View pdf
Nectar 360 Limited  View pdf
Sainsbury Propco A Limited  View pdf
Sainsbury Propco B Limited  View pdf
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd  View pdf
Sainsbury’s Tyne Property  Holdings Limited 
 View pdf

Sainsbury’s Group UK tax strategy

Our tax strategy outlines how we manage our Group tax affairs, how we mitigate current and emerging tax risks and it explains our collaborative approach with HMRC. You can read more about it here.

Articles of Association and Terms of Reference

 Section 430(2b) Companies Act 2006 Statement(s)